For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:16-17

New Book by Ken Wozniak
What does faithfulness mean for modern Christians who find themselves immersed in a social and moral context two millennia removed from that of Jesus? As a notion endorsed by Christians universally, irrespective of church tradition, geographic location, economic and political milieu, or spiritual experience, faithfulness is essential to mature Christian living. Yet many in the modern church have lost—or perhaps forgotten—the true nature of faithfulness, and thus have wandered from that which God envisages for believers. Rediscovering what faithfulness entails, however, is altogether possible. Theological ethicist Kenneth W. M. Wozniak takes the reader on a journey of encounter, looking to the earliest Christians and their understanding of fidelity to the way of Jesus as a model for believers today, and as the means by which the essence of faithfulness—rooted not in adherence to a performance standard but rather in personal cultivation of the divine character—the Jesus way not only can be discovered, but also embraced and enjoyed by the one who aspires to align with the very being of God.
“This is an important book. Written with an ethicist’s understanding and a prophet’s perspective, Kenneth Wozniak has put his finger on a timely and important issue—many Christians’ worldview urgently needs correcting. Wozniak has accurately seen through the mask of personal piety to the face of conformity with the world—a syncretistic worldview. Helpfully, Wozniak points us to a corrective—the early church and their ‘all in’ approach to following Jesus. He calls us to faithfulness!” —Christopher Shore, chief development officer of economic empowerment, World Vision Inc.

Senior Lunches
Free lunches will be served to seniors Monday through Friday at 12:30 p.m. at the Carpinteria Veteran’s Hall, 941 Walnut Ave. The Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens will provide healthy lunches to anyone age 60 or older. Reservations are required at least three days in advance by calling (805) 925-9554 or email

May B. Benepe Family Scholarship Fund
The Benepe Scholarship fund supports scholarships to Carpinteria Community Church youth members who have completed high school and will be attending a college, university or trade school during the year of the award. Applications in the office.